The Bible Recap (TBR) by Tara Leigh Cobble is a well-designed tool to equip you to read scripture daily. Christ Church believes reading scripture is a fruitful and necessary habit for those who want to love like Jesus every day where you live, work, and play.
Learn about Sandie and Jim's journey through The Bible Recap
Here’s what you do:
1. Identify a time every day WHEN you can read scripture. Try tying it to a habit you already have (i.e., while the coffee is brewing or right after dinner). Start with a doable amount of time – 15 minutes.
2. Decide WHERE you will read scripture – maybe a chair you don’t sit in often or at the dinner table or even listening in your car on the way to work! This object can become an environmental trigger for you to engage in your good habit!
3. Then click here! You will be given options for PRINT users who like everything in paper form or DIGITAL users who like to use technology for successful habits. https://www.thebiblerecap.com/start
If you prefer the written transcript, books are available in the Book Nook ($15).
The reading plan is set up for 12 months, but you can read at your own pace. Your plan may be 18 months or 3 years! Just keep reading!
January Touch Points
Anything we do is better together. Plus, an accountability group makes all the difference when starting a new habit. We are offering 2 sessions as touch points with others who are reading the same plan. Come to ask questions, get encouraged, and see how others are putting the plan into action!
Tuesday, Jan 7 at 10am at Christ Church or 6pm on Zoom.
Wednesday, Jan 15 at 10am at Christ Church or 6pm on Zoom.
Register here to get the Zoom link.
Please contact Glenda Wilkins with any questions.